Wednesday, May 27, 2009

No Way Out

Once again here is dream so any inconsistencies should be ignored...

I find my self in the back of an old pick up truck. There are hunting rifles all around the rusted bed, and as I look around more I see both of my little sisters pressed against the window of the truck. I am not sure who is driving. As I look behind me I see that we are driving through a forest path. It is fall because all the leaves are burnt orange. I stare farther up the path and suddenly my heart twists and I am scared stiff. The only description I can offer that you can relate to is "Orc" like creatures are chasing us. I would air more to a demon-like look, however they look too much like men. I pick up a gun and shoot, they are for some reason only single shot guns. The "orcs" seem to be gaining ground on the pick up truck with every shot I take into the seething black mass. My sisters are screaming for help. I look ahead of us and see a log cabin. For some odd reason I know there is a trapdoor that leads to a tunnel inside the cabin. As we pull in front of the cabin, the "orcs" are 20 or 30 yards away. I grap my littlest sister, and hold my other sisters hand as we sprint into the cabin. I can hear the growls of the "orcs" as I throw the rug off the floor and lift up the trapdoor. I drop my sisters down into a blackness in the floor, and turn to look into the face of an "orc" whose face is guant. His nose looks like a skeleton's and his eyes are wide. He raises a sword and growls as thousands of "orcs" poor into the room. My heart skips. Then suddenly the dream starts all over again. It repeated three times before I woke up in a cold sweat, more scared then I have ever been in my entire life.


Slaying a Giant

Mind you this was a dream so logically it may not make sense. However none of this was made up. I dreamt every single action that takes place and added no more or less.

The mist is heavy as it falls on the green mountainside. I am running for my life. I have a companion with me, someone who is familiar to me, but I do not see their face. As I keep running towards the mountain, I turn my head to see what I am running from. I see four figures, cloaked in black, running at me with swords drawn. It fuels my fear and I begin to feel my legs ache with exhaustion. I look towards the green mountainside and suddenly see a grappling hood thrown over the top of the mountain. Instantly a figure cloaked in blue is running up the rope, and I recognize them to be friendly. As I turn to the figure I am running with more men, cloaked in blue begin to gather in front of me. As I reach them, they are all staring intently at my pursuers, and I realize that my companion is no longer with me. Suddenly the men cloaked in black behind me are building a wall, preparing for what it seems a battle. They have red banners and are waving them as more and more black cloaked figures begin to mass behind their stone wall. I look to my right to see the blue figures creating a wooden platform with wood spikes surrounding it. A man is sitting on the chair that is perched on top of the platform. He is wearing what appears to be black and blue animal skins, and is completely bald. He turns and hands me a sheathed sword. The sheath is made of twisted gold metal, and is quite heavy. Suddenly the men in black across from us are attacking. I hear distant yells and see men fighting, however I am not engaged in the battle at all. I have the looming feeling in my head we are losing, as if we are the good guys being pushed to the brink. Then a man in black lunges at me. He swings and I raise the sword in sheath to protect myself. The sheath begins to crack, and suddenly the sheath breaks away from the sword. As I stare down out the voice I hear a booming voice echo in my head, "That is the sword I need". I look up to see a man who towers above everybody else. He is a giant by all respects to the word giant. I suddenly realize I must fight him. I lunge at his ankles, slicing quickly, then jump up, somhow using the sword to propel me up and slice his face. He merely laughs and I realize my blade is like a paper cut to his skin. I then realize the only way to bring him down. He grabs me, I see his eyes, black and lifeless as he brings me to the front of his face. I suddenly lunge from his grip, and grab the side of his face. I quickly scramble to his ear, and thrust my sword inside his ear, hearing it crunch bone as it drives through his skull. I am then woken up by my mother vaccuming.


Tuesday, May 26, 2009


i sit here and ponder deep to myself about what destiny is and how we have a so called planned a father for instance who once was a great athlete at a certain level and him wanting his son or daughter to succeed in what he did. my previous statement is a prime example of why i think no one can really control ones destiny. you are the most manipulated in what your parents want as you become a toddler and then and into an adolescent. sure at the teen age years you may rebuttal with my formers statement at the begging of this ponder on paper, but here is that truth, no matter how much you may think your creating yourself by eluding curfews, making bad grades, or hanging with the crowd that your parentals would dissent from, all of that billy bad assness was created by them. your parents have control of how you are and will be for the rest of your life. you may stray from this in a sort of freedom that you may think you area attaining, but in reality your just at the top of your invisible cage sheltered over by your parents. so back to the fact about not having your own destiny. i have had a conception on how my life has been manipulated not necessarilyin a negative way but maybe a way that could have made things easier or maybe just a little more enjoyable rather than a struggle my entire life. the thing is i have two fairly exceptional god given dextarities. the thing is i was pushed towards one where i was but wasn't built for. where the other one i could pick something up by ear and learn very easily. i feel like i was made or shall i say destined to be something other than i have been groomed to be. i feel that a lot of people may have encountered a thought of why am i doing this and who am i doing this for when i would have maybe rather wanted to do something that could very have been just as if not more success full then what i am doing. i love what i am doing but i know that it was not my destiny and i think it may be a little to late..........


Monday, May 25, 2009

bump on the butt

tis funny how quickly and drastically things change in complete polar opposite directions. one day things area smooth sailing then whamm! your knocked faster on your ass than you could say something long and hard to say...nothing came to mind. Know in this situation you can only think positive and things will change back to the way they were as quickly as that one word you thouhght of earlier or didnt casue you didnt have time; none the less time passes and shti hits the fan. Your fed up wtiht all the shit that was brought upon you, you say fuck it, so thats exactly what you do...fuck it. go out, have fun, do what it is that you want to do no matter what it may be and dont stop and dont let anyone carry you down again. with this go out and just gander...there are so many out there. literally, just millions to pick from. dont let one that you think you know, and really do not, fuck you in your ass because without the foreplay you ass will be left black and blue. the best part is is that when i got hit on my ass, i saw the truth and im more than happy about it...


Sunday, May 17, 2009

Welcome to the world

Welcome to the world of the wicked and the damned
A world that went sour far to quick
When I awoke a society had harshly rammed
The idea that humans were no better than ticks

Yet when I gaze upon the sleepwalkers and daydreamers
I see a future that could have been
We could have been showstoppers and dare takers
People who strode to better themselves and their kin

But somewhere along the line we lost sight
Of who we were and what we could do in life
We chose to flounder in the common plight
And teeter the world at the edge of a knife

The politicians and celebrities can not help us now
Its the inner strength of the people I must find
However few want sweat to fall from their brow
And I fear death will not be very kind.


The Jungle Gym

I lay awake with the fear gripping my thoughts. I am unsure how to deal with it because it is overwhelmingly inevitabe. Yet something in my heart brings me back. The fact that life is unexpected and unexplored. It is a playground for those who dare cross its jungle gym of adventure. But too many are worried about the threat of no making it across. Those who pursue the finish with an unyeilding will will not discover prizes, trophies, or a pat on the back. They will simply be left with the realization that they accomplished what their mind told them was an unsure bet. However their heart instilled in them the desire to prove the doubters wrong, and their supporters right. Though not everybody makes it to the end, their is value in knowing you will take the plunge into the unknown and face the odds of failure. You are forever known not as a person who sat and watched but as an individual who stood alone in their own right. Nobody can take that pride from you. People will tell stories of how you conquered that long journey. And how in the face of failure you looked ahead, grasped the bars that would lead you to the end, and never looked back. We all are given this remarkable gift, the gift to forge ahead and create our own history, our own legacy. Take heed of the words from someone who is dangling from a bar not far from the beginning, it is better to start and fall from exhaustion, then to sit and watch others proudly accomplish what you were afraid to do.