Monday, May 25, 2009

bump on the butt

tis funny how quickly and drastically things change in complete polar opposite directions. one day things area smooth sailing then whamm! your knocked faster on your ass than you could say something long and hard to say...nothing came to mind. Know in this situation you can only think positive and things will change back to the way they were as quickly as that one word you thouhght of earlier or didnt casue you didnt have time; none the less time passes and shti hits the fan. Your fed up wtiht all the shit that was brought upon you, you say fuck it, so thats exactly what you do...fuck it. go out, have fun, do what it is that you want to do no matter what it may be and dont stop and dont let anyone carry you down again. with this go out and just gander...there are so many out there. literally, just millions to pick from. dont let one that you think you know, and really do not, fuck you in your ass because without the foreplay you ass will be left black and blue. the best part is is that when i got hit on my ass, i saw the truth and im more than happy about it...


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