Sunday, May 17, 2009

The Jungle Gym

I lay awake with the fear gripping my thoughts. I am unsure how to deal with it because it is overwhelmingly inevitabe. Yet something in my heart brings me back. The fact that life is unexpected and unexplored. It is a playground for those who dare cross its jungle gym of adventure. But too many are worried about the threat of no making it across. Those who pursue the finish with an unyeilding will will not discover prizes, trophies, or a pat on the back. They will simply be left with the realization that they accomplished what their mind told them was an unsure bet. However their heart instilled in them the desire to prove the doubters wrong, and their supporters right. Though not everybody makes it to the end, their is value in knowing you will take the plunge into the unknown and face the odds of failure. You are forever known not as a person who sat and watched but as an individual who stood alone in their own right. Nobody can take that pride from you. People will tell stories of how you conquered that long journey. And how in the face of failure you looked ahead, grasped the bars that would lead you to the end, and never looked back. We all are given this remarkable gift, the gift to forge ahead and create our own history, our own legacy. Take heed of the words from someone who is dangling from a bar not far from the beginning, it is better to start and fall from exhaustion, then to sit and watch others proudly accomplish what you were afraid to do.


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