Friday, December 26, 2008

A Frightening Reality

It has been mentioned that the posts on this blog have been dark. I myself could even make the arguement that these posts have become the futile outcrys of some disturbed youths. I would agree wholeheartedly. These posts are dark, they are hard to swallow, and they do provoke reactions(which is the point). But if you take a look at the world, not through the eyes of others, but through your own, you will realize the world is falling apart. Deny it all you want, humanity is tearing itself apart. Take the election that we just had in the United States. Sure a lot of people were stongly opinionated on who they wanted to win. The lines between Republicans and Democrats were drawn so deep that many realized both parties may be the reason we are in this mess. Yet something else awakened due to the election, and that was racism. I see people write disgusting comments about Obama on the internet everyday. I realize that we as Americans have created this monster ourselves. We sweep issues too hard to swallow under the rug, hoping it won't effect us in our lifetime. But this election did affect us in our lifetime. You look at the news and realize you know more about Brad Pitt's movie career than what is happening to the economy. There are many young people who do not even realize America has entered a recession. I do agree that there are some things we cannot worry about because we cannot control them. But to become ignorant of the world around us is pathetic. But that is what we as Americans are content on being. We don't want to hear about the bad things in the world because then we realize the world is out of our control. We would rather hear about the social lives of billionaires. I am a victim of this too so don't think I am disrespecting the country I love. I have studied its glorious past and know quite well what this country was built on. We are far from these ideals. We would rather trash people for their color, language, or political party. Ignorance runs this country know. Whether you want to hear that or not it is the truth. But do not think there is nothing to be done. We, the people, can come together and fight for what is right. But I have doubts on whether there are enough people in the world willing to stand up for what THEY think is right...


You know you can only do so much with blogging. This blogging idea came up between Stanley T. Wiser and I to find a way we might be able to change some things and the ideas that some people have about maybe themselves along with the community and environment we all live in. This is a big deal to the two of us because we see how the world is being run and how the world could change for the better if someone could you know think for themselves and not have to listen and follow what everyone else says or does. This blog is a way for intellects and philosophers to splurge whatever they may have on their mind and give some creative opinions on what life might need to be like or how by one little word or sentence or blog at a time could make someone see a way that is worth living and that could carry on to their peers and friends and so on and so forth. So all im saying is that no matter what you say or read the word has to get out somehow; a blog is a stepping stone for what communication amongst us can achieve. let your voice be heard and not absorbed into the sponge of regularity and political correctness. Dont let anything hold you down and never let go of something you have whether it be an emotion, opinion, declaration, or anyting that you think could help the world and make this place we live in better. If nothing happens so be it but never give up always fight for the right to party and never take no for an answer. we live in a free country and we should live freely. So i leave you with this, when the going gets tough.................the tough get going, dont let anything hold you back and anything you do could change the world forever and never be afraid of what may happen of what you want.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

As My Guitar Gently Weeps

what has our generation of music come too? the noise pollution so kindly put by the lead singer AC/DC, has grown into the real cause of global warming..jk, but it really sucks today. you have no bands hardly that write their own music or even lyrics, not one of them has any instrumental talent except for the few and proud that take pride in creating art, and you find no singers...barley, that can carry a tone on a record or even more important in concert. these few bands that do have these aspects are very well respected and liked by most all. the ones that don't like them are ones that are like the rest of the bands....garbage. you see music says a lot about how a generation is or how they may be. for instance our parents generation of music...whenever that may be and whatever type of music that may be, really personifies how our parents are..mostly hard working blue collar respectable people and so where the musicians at that time also. sure some had song writers, but they were a part of the band and mostly all could be great if not existential at their instrument. so what I'm saying is that the way our music is heading, which is not up, our generation might not be as comparable to the ones a generation older. the laziness and greed of money and quick fame by playing a couple of power chords has really shown off how bad our generation is and how much we will suffer in the future. and then who knows the Brandon Boyds, Billy Joes, Dave Grohls, Anthony Kiedis, and so on might not even be remembered or respected which is really scary to think about because they are and will be the BEST in our time and that's no lie. the best is hard to come by now because so many up and coming bands are protruding through the big red curtains and getting by by just looking good and if that's all it takes to make millions for something that has nothing to do with the job, then that is sick and sad, and i will never leave my generations music....ever.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Simply Love

How do you define this fickle thing called love. I have read things from many people who have tried. It seems that the people who are in love always have the answer to how or why they are in love while people who are searching for it seem completely lost regarding the subject. In my honest and personally battered opinion, love is undefinable. How can you define the emotion you feel when you realize you are next to a person you want to spend the rest of your life with. Is it even fair to try and put something so powerful, so unpredictable, so raw into words. Its like how humans realize they can't control nature, they just have to respect its awesome force. Love is the same. Words can't describe it, yet when it hits nothing can deter it. It comes at you with this force that knocks you down again and again until you get the picture and realize they are the one for you. Sure love has its imposters. They are the very things that make love so unpredictable and hard to grasp. Yet why are these imposters so prevalent in our soceity today. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that everybody SEARCHES for love. What a ridiculous notion to think that something so incredible as love can be sought out like a gift from the store. This is how it has always been. We as humans want to love that one person with the hot body or killer personality...most people want both. If it were only that superficial than love would be easy. But its not, it has a will that is unbreakable so that when you finally have love hit you in the face, there is no questioning it. Ironically love is one of God's best tools. Why? Well isn't it obvious...when people try to define and question God they usually end up in the same place they do with love...lost.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Normal, accepted, usual, ordinary, these are all words that "normal" people use, but what is normal, and who are you being accepted by, and why be ordinary? These are what people of today's society strive for consciously because it is what is in and not wired. when someone says that another is weird what are they basing them on. is there a normality scale for everyone to go by because if so let me see it so i can wipe my ass with it. there should be no standard for someone. let people live to the beat of their own drum and live the way that they feel is right for them; if that does not suit you then don't call them weird or strange because that is discriminating and untrue and that what this world has to much of and it needs to die out like the parachute pants fad did in the 80's. it really grinds my gears when i over hear people talk about someone that has more of a sense of who they are than the ones talking shit. so the "normality" in this world, and the ones who think they are normal because they all dress and look like they are all in a big "normal" group, can go lose themselves in someone else's life and that would be alright with me.

The Power of the Mirror

So often, image rules our society. How we look dominates who we are and ultimately dictates the kind of people we become. Everybody looks in a mirror, which in no way is wrong, however when most people look in the mirror nowadays, they are trying to see if they look good for other people and not themselves. In all honesty, what this society needs is a good "I don't give a fuck..." attitude. We are so consumed by what other people think about us that it is ultimately sickening. You have to wake up every morning confident that who you are means so much more to than what other peoples opinions are. And don't take this as some self-help bullshit because everybody is guilty of it. Everybody wants to feel accepted in the world because the people who shun away from what is accepted are considered weird and outcasts. But its the outcasts that understand that their opinion matters more than others. This generation has become built on the porous structure that looks will propel a happy and successful life. Women have to be blond barbie dolls and men have to have stomachs chiseled from rocks. Its a disgusting way of life and it has to stop. However the question remains, are there enough people in the world willing to not give a fuck about what other people think. When will the words "normal" and "accepted" be thrown out the window. Stand up and decide that the only opinion that matters is yours, everybody else's can fuck off!


Monday, December 8, 2008

marijuana manifesto

are you moving slow because you have no energy to do so and so you can't, or is it because you are freaking out on the inside and everything is a huge orange and yellow wire circus and the only way to calm it down for a bit is if you slow everything down: your movements, the sounds and the lights of the environment and your stupid heavy yellow sleep breaths. i can see it at all, actually, really, because one thing will equal another and there's no connection between the two except for what you just thoughthere it goes not i hear you moving in the kitchen and boxes what i'm doing and there's not much sense in ANY SORT OF WAY AT all and i feel like i'm moving microseconds and microseconds and the keys are narrow but when i focus on the one thing, my hands on the black, and nothing else, i become aware of everything else and it doesn't overwhelm. there are ways you can stop this, channel it into something normal that makes sense.
the puppet in the horror movies - the ones in the box, the ones in the windows you saw yelling but who couldn't do anything themselves was because they were puppets and connected impermeably to their foreign hand asses.
i am so excited to return to my illustrious manifesto. my wrists look so tiny but i know when i open my eyes they will be wider, thicker, larger. so many extra neurons. my brain - and everyone says this, so no one believes me; the platitude, the unfavored language of the world. hi stranger-
i like your shoes.
hey friend, i'm sorry i have been no help to your unpacking endeavours - I am in absolutely no sort of control over my head so it's going around one thousand miles an hour - that is the platitude which i forgot to mention - and i can't keep up with it at all so i'm sorry anyway, really very sorry for being the failed friend. i'm sure there's not a lot here I would not be mortified about later when i can think clearly but i'm so hungry no that's not it
your hat is green
your is the correct spelling for that particular use, its subterfuge
everyone is EVERYWHERE and i feel so bad like i don't belong-
--when i'm mindaltered in some manner is when the inner middleschooler emerges and speaks, all in these melodramas which are merely exacerbated
i don't sound this way or think this way but this stupid dramatic girl is the box around the shouting real one, you know, the control emerging. the box contains the control and doesn't it dissipate and control. what time is it? when will this be over? i want you to come over here with me and talk to me and be with me because i feel awkward and enormous and i would like to go to a quiet calm place and be disembodied voices, our bodies the absence of light in the room, and in that way we could fully explore the abyss of our unintelligible brains.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

what is boredom, what causes this lack of mental activity, or stagnation of the body, but the real question is are you really bored when you think you are. Boredom is a condition characterized by perception of one's environment as dull, tedious, and lacking in stimulation; however when your mind feels this lack of stimulation your mind is wandering and searching for something to satisfy its vice of when you are bored are you really? when your brain is thinking and churning of what it wants to see or feel or hear how can you be bored, the brain is always moving though your body is not or you think to yourself you may be bored you really aren't because all your mind wants to do is wander all of the time. so when you find yourself in the state of so called "boredom" try and think outside of the box the appease your child like brain that always needs something new to chew on.

What Imagination Can Do For You

As human beings, we contain a limitless amount of imagination. However our true genius shines when we turn our imagination into a reality. Our imagination is the engine that drives us. It fuels our desires to accomplish great things, and it also separates us from eachother. With this thought, it amazes me when people decide to throw their imagination aside in order to mimic the way somebody else acts or thinks. I am not saying that people can't influence who you are. What I am driving at is the fact that far too many people identify themselves with groups, not their individual selves. You see groups are a dangerous thing. If you become consumed by them they will dictate what you do, what you wear, what you say. Soon you are no longer thinking for yourself, you are making decisions solely on what will allow you to look good with your group. For some people, this way of life is desired, and for whatever my opinion is worth, that is sad. It is sad becuase on day this groupie's will wake up and realize they have no idea who they are. They will realize they have sacrificed and betrayed everything they are for the sole purpose of getting a cheap and quick identity. But many people do not realize that your true identity is a long arduous journey. In fact it is life itself. Don't be the person who wakes up in the middle of there lives, with absolutely no idea who they are. Use that creative imagination that was given to you and show the world your uniqueness. If you do I can promise you this, you will ultimately be happier and realize that through your creative imagination, life actually is exciting.

Go Fuck Yourself

It almost seems too much to ask someone for a favor because they always seem to want something in return. This is due to the fact that people are selfish organisms and what one does for another is expected in return if not more than they put out for someone else. This causes I believe way to much friction in relationships of any sort whether it is intament, just friends, hereditary, or any other creative relationship you can think of. So instead of thinking all about yourself and what benifits you in return for you doing something nice for someone so you can have something in return, just fuck yourself for once and have a little gratitude that someone is even asking you to do something for them.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

what good is it?

What good is it to lie? Does the feeling of lies in your gut make you feel better about who you are or what your hiding? To me, I hate the feeling. I cant stand knowing that I have something to hide from someone, is is unsatisfying and sets heavy in my stomach. So with this said why do so many people lie? Is it the fact that many people have no conscious or morals or dignity or is it the fact that they are compulsive and cant help but lie? Either or, ling gets no one where they want to be the real way they want to get there. I feel if I lie and accomplish something than it was not me who accomplishes it. I feel my lack of self esteem and pride found a way to cheat to get around doing something the hard way and the right way. Facing the truth is by far the hardest thing anyone can do in their lives because everyone knows what they have done is not anything to be proud of unless they are a good spirited and moral person; not many of those people exist however. The point is that facing the truth sucks and once you face the truth and find who you really are in the inside you will not be truly happy with yourself.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

This is only the beginning

I would like to welcome you to The Last Refuge of Creativity. I believe that you deserve an explanation on why this blog has been created. The reason is quite simple, however what it could stand for, is something monumental. In no way is this a call for some political movement or young underground paranoia. On the contrary, this blog is simply to voice the creative thoughts of a generation that is fighting a losing battle. So often are we told to think a certain way, act a certain way, hang out with this group, agree with that group. It is becoming normal to simply allow others define what you do or do not like. This blog is to let you know that you are not alone in wanting to be your own person. People are capable of wonderous and creative things, as long as they are willing to give in to what makes them a creative person. One might call this thinking outside of the box. And that is exactly what we want people who read this to do. Don't be afraid to think outside the box. Don't be afraid to ask the questions that haunt the very foundations of your soul. Don't be afraid to disagree when you believe something is wrong and don't be afraid to stand up and believe in something when you feel it is right. It is our pleasure to formally introduce ourselves as Theodore Dark and Stanley T. Wiser. We are two people who have decided that it is time to stand as a creative force. A force, that when unleashed, can accomplish things you thought were impossible. Welcome to The Last Refuge of Creativity.