Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Normal, accepted, usual, ordinary, these are all words that "normal" people use, but what is normal, and who are you being accepted by, and why be ordinary? These are what people of today's society strive for consciously because it is what is in and not wired. when someone says that another is weird what are they basing them on. is there a normality scale for everyone to go by because if so let me see it so i can wipe my ass with it. there should be no standard for someone. let people live to the beat of their own drum and live the way that they feel is right for them; if that does not suit you then don't call them weird or strange because that is discriminating and untrue and that what this world has to much of and it needs to die out like the parachute pants fad did in the 80's. it really grinds my gears when i over hear people talk about someone that has more of a sense of who they are than the ones talking shit. so the "normality" in this world, and the ones who think they are normal because they all dress and look like they are all in a big "normal" group, can go lose themselves in someone else's life and that would be alright with me.

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