Sunday, December 7, 2008

What Imagination Can Do For You

As human beings, we contain a limitless amount of imagination. However our true genius shines when we turn our imagination into a reality. Our imagination is the engine that drives us. It fuels our desires to accomplish great things, and it also separates us from eachother. With this thought, it amazes me when people decide to throw their imagination aside in order to mimic the way somebody else acts or thinks. I am not saying that people can't influence who you are. What I am driving at is the fact that far too many people identify themselves with groups, not their individual selves. You see groups are a dangerous thing. If you become consumed by them they will dictate what you do, what you wear, what you say. Soon you are no longer thinking for yourself, you are making decisions solely on what will allow you to look good with your group. For some people, this way of life is desired, and for whatever my opinion is worth, that is sad. It is sad becuase on day this groupie's will wake up and realize they have no idea who they are. They will realize they have sacrificed and betrayed everything they are for the sole purpose of getting a cheap and quick identity. But many people do not realize that your true identity is a long arduous journey. In fact it is life itself. Don't be the person who wakes up in the middle of there lives, with absolutely no idea who they are. Use that creative imagination that was given to you and show the world your uniqueness. If you do I can promise you this, you will ultimately be happier and realize that through your creative imagination, life actually is exciting.

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