Saturday, December 13, 2008

As My Guitar Gently Weeps

what has our generation of music come too? the noise pollution so kindly put by the lead singer AC/DC, has grown into the real cause of global warming..jk, but it really sucks today. you have no bands hardly that write their own music or even lyrics, not one of them has any instrumental talent except for the few and proud that take pride in creating art, and you find no singers...barley, that can carry a tone on a record or even more important in concert. these few bands that do have these aspects are very well respected and liked by most all. the ones that don't like them are ones that are like the rest of the bands....garbage. you see music says a lot about how a generation is or how they may be. for instance our parents generation of music...whenever that may be and whatever type of music that may be, really personifies how our parents are..mostly hard working blue collar respectable people and so where the musicians at that time also. sure some had song writers, but they were a part of the band and mostly all could be great if not existential at their instrument. so what I'm saying is that the way our music is heading, which is not up, our generation might not be as comparable to the ones a generation older. the laziness and greed of money and quick fame by playing a couple of power chords has really shown off how bad our generation is and how much we will suffer in the future. and then who knows the Brandon Boyds, Billy Joes, Dave Grohls, Anthony Kiedis, and so on might not even be remembered or respected which is really scary to think about because they are and will be the BEST in our time and that's no lie. the best is hard to come by now because so many up and coming bands are protruding through the big red curtains and getting by by just looking good and if that's all it takes to make millions for something that has nothing to do with the job, then that is sick and sad, and i will never leave my generations music....ever.


A Well-Behaved Anarchist said...

I agree, my friends. So much of today's music is a joke. I turn on the radio and....wait, no I don't! I effectively gave up the radio junior year of highschool, and I couldn't be happier because of it. If you look hard enough, there is some truly great music out there. It exists on a whole other plane of existence, usually referred to as "the scene." Every once in a while a scene band is able to "get big" and sell out arenas, but it happens rarely. You really just have to sift through a lot of crap to find the jems, but when you do, they're all the more amazing. I'm sure thats how you have found most of the music you like, as I have!

Anonymous said...

you guys are slacking on the updates