Sunday, December 7, 2008

what is boredom, what causes this lack of mental activity, or stagnation of the body, but the real question is are you really bored when you think you are. Boredom is a condition characterized by perception of one's environment as dull, tedious, and lacking in stimulation; however when your mind feels this lack of stimulation your mind is wandering and searching for something to satisfy its vice of when you are bored are you really? when your brain is thinking and churning of what it wants to see or feel or hear how can you be bored, the brain is always moving though your body is not or you think to yourself you may be bored you really aren't because all your mind wants to do is wander all of the time. so when you find yourself in the state of so called "boredom" try and think outside of the box the appease your child like brain that always needs something new to chew on.

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