Friday, December 12, 2008

Simply Love

How do you define this fickle thing called love. I have read things from many people who have tried. It seems that the people who are in love always have the answer to how or why they are in love while people who are searching for it seem completely lost regarding the subject. In my honest and personally battered opinion, love is undefinable. How can you define the emotion you feel when you realize you are next to a person you want to spend the rest of your life with. Is it even fair to try and put something so powerful, so unpredictable, so raw into words. Its like how humans realize they can't control nature, they just have to respect its awesome force. Love is the same. Words can't describe it, yet when it hits nothing can deter it. It comes at you with this force that knocks you down again and again until you get the picture and realize they are the one for you. Sure love has its imposters. They are the very things that make love so unpredictable and hard to grasp. Yet why are these imposters so prevalent in our soceity today. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that everybody SEARCHES for love. What a ridiculous notion to think that something so incredible as love can be sought out like a gift from the store. This is how it has always been. We as humans want to love that one person with the hot body or killer personality...most people want both. If it were only that superficial than love would be easy. But its not, it has a will that is unbreakable so that when you finally have love hit you in the face, there is no questioning it. Ironically love is one of God's best tools. Why? Well isn't it obvious...when people try to define and question God they usually end up in the same place they do with love...lost.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

STW is good in bed